20th Biennial of the American Academy of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
“The Role of Veterinary Pharmacology in One Health”
Monday, May 22, 2017
Morning: One Health
Inaugural Tom Powers Keynote: Towards the Delivery of Personalized Medicine in Veterinary Oncology, Chand Khanna
Bernadette Dunham
Johanna Fink-Grimmels
ACVCP/AAVPT Workshop on the Future of Clinical Pharmacology and the Clinical Pharmacologist
Student oral research presentations
Evening: Wine and Cheese Reception and Poster Session
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
All day: Population Variability in Animal Health: Potential influence on dose-exposure response relationships or withdrawal times
Overview, Marilyn Martinez
Drug metabolism polymorphisms in dogs and cats, Michael Court
Age effects, Danielle Mzyk
Companion animal transporter polymorphisms, Katrina Mealey
Food animal transporter polymorphisms, Johanna Fink-Grimmels
Modeling and simulation: shifting gears to accelerate understanding of variability in animal health, Jonathan Mochel
Top down versus bottom up modeling approaches, Ronette Gehring
Modeling and simulation to understand diversity in residues, Jim Riviere
Modeling and simulation to improve clinical trials, Tomas Martin-Jimenez
Understanding differences in dose-exposure relationships as a function of drug formulation and dog breed, Devendra Pade
Practical implications to industry, Ludovic Pelligand
Moderated panel discussion
Evening: Veterinary Pharmacology Research Foundation Auction and AAVPT Awards Banquet
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Morning: Regulatory and Legislative Issues
Ashley Morgan, American Veterinary Medical Association
Personnel from FDA Center for Veterinary Medicine